Name: Stuart Melrose
Job Title: Branch Manager
It’s Major Experience time again and it’s the turn of South Yorkshire’s Technical branch manager Stuart Melrose.
How would someone describe you?
“Dry sense of humour. Firm but fair.”
What are you passionate about?
“Personal life: My family and football (Forest and England)
Work life: Customer and candidate experience. Developing my team.”
What might someone be surprised to know about you?
“I was on Sky One’s Las Vegas Uncovered.”
How long have you worked with Major?
“2 years and 8 months.”
What made you choose Major Recruitment as opposed to other recruitment agencies?
“Phil and Katie.
Their warmth and passion about the business drew me in.”
What did you expect from Major Recruitment when you first joined?
“That I was joining a family.”
Have Major ever gone above your expectations? How?
“Definitely. The backing from Phil and Katie. They helped take over an established team that have been here for 10 years.”
Throughout your time with Major how have you developed as a professional?
“I’m a better Manager, my skill set has increased massively. I have an even better understanding of the psychology of management.”
How has Major impacted you?
“It has given me a licence to be me and backed my judgement to do things my way. This doesn’t happen everywhere.”
How have you impacted on Major Recruitment?
“Putting a team together and developing them to hopefully being one of the top performing teams this year.”
What do you wish other people would know about Major?
“That it really is a family and the support you get is second to none.”
What is your first and favourite memory with Major?
“It’s not my first memory but being presented with the award for ‘Team of the Year’ at my first awards is my favourite.”
Do you have a defining experience with Major Recruitment?
“It’s been a roller coaster, but generally it’s been awesome.”
How would you describe Major Recruitment to future employees?
“That if you are committed, Major is the best place to develop your career.”
For more Major Experiences keep checking Major News. If you’ve missed the previous ones with Nicky Battye, Jo Lofts and Lydia Donaldson, you can catch up now.