It’s time for our second stop on the Managed Services Roadshow! The morning started cold, icy and severely foggy! However as we made our way down into the Midlands, the fog disappeared and it was bright skies for our second stop, On arrival, the team provided a cuppa and a bag of Celebrations, so instantly they became favourites. When we asked Daisy if she’d like to make some social media videos, she replied with “Definitely, make me TikTok famous!” so we’ll try. Are you ready to get to know these two a little more? Let’s go…

Ok, let’s get to know the team!

Let’s meet Daisy!
This is Daisy, the site Contract Manager. She may be little, but she’s an absolute powerhouse!
Daisy really brought her A-game on the day, we think she really wants to be TikTok famous. She was even ready with video ideas of her own when we arrived. Let’s get to know the real Daisy though, shall we?
- If your personality was a board game, which one would it be? “The Game of Life” I still don’t have an idea what I’m doing, and somehow, I always end up broke (don’t tell us you’re living in your car though!)
- Do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger on a road trip? Passenger, as my job is to control the music, eat all the snacks, and aggressively point out cows along the way (note to self, don’t drive with Daisy!)
- What’s something really small that makes you unreasonably happy? When I manage to press ‘Skip Ad’ on YouTube before the ad even starts. Feels like I just hacked the Matrix (YES!!!!! I’m totally with you on this!)
- What’s the best thing about being you? It’s my ability to deliver top-tier sarcasm with a straight face. It’s a gift, really! Some people do yoga to stay calm, I just respond to nonsense with ‘Wow, what a brilliant idea’ and let the confusion do the rest (I see why we got on so well Daisy!)
- If you could swap places with an animal for one day, which one would you choose and why? I’d swap places with a lioness because, honestly, they’ve got life figured out – nap all day, let the males think they’re in charge, then do all the real work while looking effortlessly majestic (Daisy the sarcastic Lioness)
- What’s the strangest thing you would do if you were invisible for 24 hours? Follow people around and whisper ‘Your shoelace is untied’ when they’re wearing sandals (this is borderline torture!)
- If you had to create a new sport, what would it involve? Extreme speed texting – whoever replies the fastest but still manages to use perfect punctuation wins (I’m not gonna lie, pitch this to channel 5 Daisy, and it’ll probably get made!
- If you had to pick a single quote to live by, what would it be? “High standards protect you from low quality experiences.” My confidence is so big! I’ll walk in a room knowing you don’t like me and sit right next to you and smile! (These answers are so powerful, and so worrying – did Daisy really like me?)
- What’s one thing you’re oddly competitive about? Trying to carry over every single grocery bag in just one trip, even if it means cutting off the circulation to my fingers (100% I feel like a failure if I have to go back to the car!)
- If you had to create a perfume or aftershave based on your personality, what would it smell like? It would be called Sarcasm & Spice. There will be notes of espresso-fueled determination, a hint of freshly rolled eyes, and just a splash of ‘I told you so.’ Smells like confidence, wit, and just enough chaos to keep things interesting (round of applause for these answers please!)

Next up is Assia
Say hi to Atanaska, or Assia for short! She’s Account Coordinator on site. Assia was dragged into all of our silly videos thanks to Daisy and she requested sign off privileges on them all. She was amazing, and at the end of the day she said I’d made her day – so there you go Managed Services, my visits won’t be a nightmare – I’ll bring the fun I promise! Ok, let’s see what’s really going on in Assia’s head.
- If you could be fluent in any fictional language, which one would you choose? I’d go with Klingon from Star Trek. Why? Because nothing says, “I’m having a bad day” like shouting “Qapla’!” (If you gave me a million guesses, I’d have never got that!)
- If you had to live in one shop forever, which one would it be? TKMaxx; clothes, bags, shoes, and chocolate all in (Great choice, it has literally everything you need!)
- If you could swap jobs with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be? I’d love to be a travel vlogger, exploring the world and sharing experiences with others in a fun and adventurous way (As jobs go, that does sound pretty awesome!)
- If your pet (or a random animal) could talk for 24 hours, what would you ask them? If I could ask a lion anything, I’d want to know how they perceive the world. Do they view humans as a threat, or do they have a curiosity about us? (Just ask Daisy the Lioness!)
- If you were in a heist movie, what role would you have in the crew? I’d be the captain, calling the shots, making the plan, and ensuring everyone knows their role (You’re in the right job then hey, Assia’s new nickname…..The Captain!)
- What’s the weirdest rule you’d make if you were in charge of the world for a day? I’d make no phones allowed for one day. It would force everyone to have conversations face to face (This is a great one, I’d be onboard with this!)
- If you had to live in a house made of food, what food would you choose? A cookie house! Who wouldn’t want a sweet house made of chocolate chip cookies? (I’d be homeless in a day!)
- If you were a toy in a toy store, what kind of toy would you be? “I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world!” Life in plastic is fantastic… (Now, I would have guessed that!)
- Would you rather have to say everything in rhyme or only communicate through emojis? – I’d go with emojis. Rhyming all the time would drive me crazy (Plus it would be so funny for your friends to guess what your saying, guess the film…
- If you had to be a contestant on a game show, which one would you choose? Hell’s Kitchen, the drama, the pressure, the stress of Gordon Ramsay yelling at me as I try to cook… It would be a hot mess, but a funny one (I’d watch it, but remember Assia you are not an idiot sandwich!)
These two are more examples of what you get from a Major Family member. Hard working, determined and a whole lot of fun! The day was amazing, we didn’t stop laughing from start to finish!
We’re thinking our other onsite staff are probably thinking “Wow, wow, wow! I don’t want to be TikTok famous!” Hahaha!
The Roadshow will be rolling on again soon, keep your eyes on our socials for updates and don’t get to like Daisy’s videos to make her dreams come true!