If you’re in charge of hiring, you’ve definitely been there. You hire a new employee who seems perfect on paper – a flawless CV, a personality you just want to be around, and they even cracked the perfect joke during the interview. However, three months in, you’re sat in your office, head in hands, wondering why they are better at stirring the office gossip pot than actually managing tasks. Welcome to the costly world of bad hires!

The Financial Drain of a Bad Hire

Let’s start with where it hurts the most – on your wallet. A bad hire isn’t just an awkward office story for the future, it’s an expensive mistake. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the actual cost of a bad hire could equal up to 30% of the employee’s first-year earnings. Yeah, you read that correctly! Imagine you’ve hired someone on a £30,000 salary. That is potentially £9,000 flushed down the recruitment drain when it doesn’t work out as planned.

That’s just the direct cost. We can’t forget about the time you’ve spent on interviews, training, onboarding, and the work hours you’ve lost because other employees had to pick up the slack. Then of course, there is that awful cost of recruiting all over again, that one really stings!

Bad Hire - A broken piggy bank

Productivity Plummeting

This may be a not-so-obvious cost, but hiring the wrong people doesn’t just leave a dent in your wallet, it’s also a productivity killer too! A bad hire can slow down your projects, make poor decisions, and lower team morale quicker than you can say “whoops wrong choice!” Your A-Team suddenly becomes a B-Team, and the projects that should have taken weeks, can start to drag on for months. And you know, that when productivity slips – so does your company’s bottom line – and we cannot have that, can we?

One Bad Hire Can Poison the Well

We’ll call this, the cultural fallout! We’re talking about the overall vibe of your office or factory etc. A bad hire won’t just make mistakes with their own tasks; they can also bring a ‘contagious negativity’ into your workplace. This could be anything from clashing with the team, creating unnecessary drama, or constantly undermining company values. It’s like accidentally pouring bad milk into your coffee; at first, it looks exactly like what you wanted (but you didn’t taste it first), but once you take a sip, you realise you’ve ruined your brew! One wrong person in your mix can sour the entire workplace just as quickly.

Bad Hire: Pouring milk into a brew

Workplace cultures are vital for company success, but they can be very delicate. One wrong hire can throw off the whole balance, which can lead to employee dissatisfaction, higher turnover rates, and let’s be honest… more of the dreaded “exit interviews.” And we’re talking about the ones where you smile through gritted teeth while internally pleading “Please don’t leave.”

Why Major Expertise Matters

Now that you know, the minefield of costs that can be involved in a bad hire, let’s talk about how you can avoid that in future. The solution: Major Recruitment (well other solutions are available, but we’re the best and this is our blog, so stick with us). Here’s why partnering with us can spare you the pain (and most importantly the expense) of a bad hire:

We read between the lines

We go much further than just accepting a lot of fancy CV buzzwords. Over 30 years’ experience has taught us that just because someone claims they’re “detail-oriented” doesn’t mean they are. Our recruitment experts dig MUCH deeper, assessing not only an individual’s skills but also their cultural fit. So you receive candidates who can hit the ground running (and not run into walls).

We have the network that you need

Our teams across the entire UK have a vast network of top-tier candidates across various industries. We are qualified unicorn wranglers; we make finding that needle in the haystack look easy.

We will save your companies time and money

Instead of spending months of your time filtering through application after application and second-guessing your choices, let us do the heavy lifting – you concentrate on what you’re best at, and continue making money! We promise that the people you bring into your company are not just great on paper – they are the real deal in person too!

We protect your culture

Your company’s culture is what everything is built around. So, when we find someone, it will be someone who fits in, not just because of their skills. But also their attitude, alignment with your company values, and a personality that will make your team tick. Over the last 32 years we’ve honed the art of matchmaking, and trust us, there’ll be no more salt in your brews!

Why gamble on your next hire?

As we know, hiring a new member of staff isn’t just about filling a gap in your company – it’s about investing in your company’s future. A bad hire can cost the company in terms of time, money, and morale. However, with Major in your corner, you can make smart and informed decisions that will grow your business while safeguarding your culture (that’s a win-win, right?).

Bad Hire: Rolling the dice

So why would you take the gamble? Let us turn your recruitment process into a winning strategy. At Major Recruitment, we don’t just fill the gaps – we find you the right people, every time.

Are you looking to find your next star hire? Contact your local branch today, and let’s make recruitment less of a gamble and more of a sure thing.